Novel Collection March 2008 (Mystery, Thriller, Horror)

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A collection of 26 Novels for your reading pleasure.

Archive Includes.

James Rollins - Excavation.
Elizabeth Peters - The Love Talker-.
Bram Stoker - The Judge's House.
John Grisham - The Innocent Man.
Tony Hillerman - [Jim Chee 01] - People of Darkness.
F. Paul Wilson - Short Stories.
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child - Reliquary.
James Patterson - [Alex Cross 01] - Along Came a Spider.
Cormac Mccarthy - No Country for Old Men.
Ken Follett - World Without End.
Grafton, Sue - T is for Trespass.
Patterson, James - Alex Cross 13 - Double Cross (proofed version)
Dan Simmons - The Terror.
Patterson, James and Roughan, Howard - You've Been Warned.
Patricia Briggs - [Mercy 02] - Blood Bound.
Neil Gaiman - American Gods.
Neil Gaiman - Neverwhere.
J. L. Bourne - Day by Day Armageddon.
Kim Harrison - Hollows 1 - Dead Witch Walking.
Jenna Black - [Morgan Kingsley, Exorcist 01] - The Devil Inside.
Ellis, Bret Easton - American Psycho 2.
Sherrilyn Kenyon - [Dark Hunter 17] - Devil May Cry.
Jacquelyn Frank - [Nightwalkers 02] - Gideon.
Charlaine Harris - [Southern Vamp 01] - Dead Until Dark (proofed version)
Stephen King - The Mist.
>> Download Novel Collection March 2008


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